Join the Atlas Shrugged Book Club

An Atlas Shrugged Book Club has started up in St. Louis. The book club provides participants with a forum to discuss how the 53-year old novel depicts a 21st century reality, and why it has become so popular lately.

There are four sessions over a 4-month period from July to October, giving everyone time to read the parts of the book. Plus, there are two options for attending: the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm, or the second Thursday of the month at 11:00 am.

Sessions are limited, so contact Lorie if you want to join. See this brochure (PDF) or visit the club's website for more information.

Seminars this Summer

There are several seminars coming up this summer:

  • The Atlas Society Free Minds 2010 Summer Seminar June 30 - July 8 in Alexandria, Virginia. Speakers include David Kelley, Ed Hudgins, Anne C. Heller, Tibor Machan, Stephen Hicks, Kate Herrick and Fred Stitt.
  • The Objectivist Summer Conference 2010 July 2 - 10 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Speakers include Leonard Peikoff, Yaron Brook, Keith Lockitch, Andrew Lewis, Lisa VanDamme and Michael S. Berliner.
  • FreedomFest 2010 July 8 - 10 in Las Vegas. Speakers include Steve Forbes, John Mackey, Steve Moore, Mark Skousen, Richard Rahn and Doug Bandow.
  • Ayn Rand Day July 9 in Las Vegas. This is one day at FreedomFest devoted entirely to the impact of Rand's life and work. Speakers include Nathaniel Branden, Barbara Branden, David Kelley, Jennifer Burns and Anne Heller.

No Meeting in June

We will have a summer break during June instead of having a meeting. This will give everyone some extra time to read Atlas Shrugged if they are participating in the Atlas Shrugged Book Club, which starts in July.



"My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."

-- Ayn Rand