The Gateway Objectivist 

The monthly newsletter of the Gateway Objectivists, St. Louis, Missouri 

October 2002

Vol. 10, No. 10 Newsletter Editor:  Jon Litton

October Meeting:
“Roundtable Discussion on Productivity”

At our October meeting, we will have a roundtable discussion on productivity. Some of the issues we can discuss include: Why is productivity of value to the individual? How can we be more productive in our personal lives? Must productive work be the central purpose of one’s life? David Kelley differs from Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff in his answer to this last question.

We are pleased to be able to have Diana Hsieh join us for the discussion. She is currently planning a speech on productivity and has ideas that she would like us to discuss as well. Diana, a graduate student in philosophy at the University of Colorado at Boulder, lectures and writes on applying abstract philosophical ideas to everyday life and frequently presents ideas on logical thinking to teenage students. She recently joined the staff of Camp Indecon and will be an instructor for new 17-year old age group next summer.

Join us on Saturday, August 17, at 8 p.m. at the home of Joy & Jeff Kiviat to watch this highly anticipated debate. Call (314) 469-2723 for directions.

“In Defense of Abraham Lincoln”
Available Online

The text of “In Defense of Abraham Lincoln,” which Jeff Kiviat presented at our September meeting, is now available on the GO website. Jeff examines the allegations of Thomas DiLorenzo, whose recent book portrays Lincoln as a racist who was primarily interested in centralizing power in the federal government.

You can read Jeff Kiviat’s excellent defense of Lincoln on the GO website here.

Ayn Rand in USAToday

USAToday ran an article on September 24 entitled “Scandals lead execs to Atlas Shrugged.” The article, written by Del Jones, points out that many corporate executives are re-reading the Ayn Rand novel again to remind themselves of their importance in our society as producers and achievers, not as the greedy crooks they are portrayed as. The article mentions the Atlas Society and The Objectivist Center, and contains quotes from Frank Bond, John Aglialoro, and Ed Hudgins, among others.

Read the full article at 

We welcome submissions of reviews, articles, columns and commentary. Direct all correspondence to