The Gateway Objectivist 

The monthly newsletter of the Gateway Objectivists, St. Louis, Missouri 

Aug 2001

Vol. 9, No. 08 Newsletter Editor:  Jon Litton

August Meeting:
“The Intrinsic, The Subjective 
and the Objective”

At our August meeting, we will listen to an audiotape of “The Intrinsic, The Subjective and The Objective,” by David Ross, Ph.D. This lecture was presented at the The Objectivist Center’s Summer Seminar held last month at the University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown. John Drake, who recapped the seminar at our meeting last month (see next story), cited this as one of the best presentations at the seminar.

In the talk, David Ross discusses the objective-subjective-intrinsic trichotomy, the identification of philosophical errors, and the nature of objectivity. Dr. Ross, a mathematician at Kodak Research Labs, is a highly regarded and popular speaker.

Join us for this excellent lecture on Saturday, August 18, at 8 p.m. at the home of Joy & Jeff Kiviat. Snacks and discussion will follow the presentation. Call (314) 469-2723 for directions.

A Week of Everything

At our last meeting, John Drake presented a summary of TOC’s Summer Seminar. The seminar took place last month at the University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown with approximately 250 attendees.

To John, one of the most fascinating aspects of the week was the ability, upon meeting someone for the first time, to discuss philosophy with them for hours and become immediate friends. He loved having the opportunity to debate topics such as anarchy and minimalism over dinner each night.

One of the important lessons that John learned was that Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright’s residential masterpiece, was not designed for tall people. During a day trip to the famous residence, John, at 6’6”, had to stoop through most of the exciting tour.

Besides learning from others, John led a participant-sponsored session in order to teach critical thinking skills. His rationality workshop, similar to the one he conducted previously for a Gateway Objectivists meeting, used logical games and discussion to help participants understand rational thinking.

John also summarized the lectures he attended during the week. Topics ranged from “Do Americans Still Value Freedom?” by Ed Hudgins to Amy Hayden’s “Sacred Sex” to “The Takings Clause” by Scott Bullock. John found all the lectures engaging and worthwhile. Particularly impressive were speakers David Kelley, who gave his annual state of the culture address, Madeline Cosman, and David Ross.

We welcome submissions of reviews, articles, columns and commentary. Direct all correspondence to