The Gateway Objectivist 

The monthly newsletter of the Gateway Objectivists, St. Louis, Missouri 

August 2000 

Vol. 8, No. 08 Newsletter Editor:  Jon Litton

Summer Vacation during August:
No Meeting Planned

We will be taking off the month of August for "summer vacation," resuming our meetings in September. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and we look forward to seeing you at the next meeting. In September, John Drake will give a presentation on epistemology, and in October, we will listen to "How to Win Arguments," a taped lecture from Dr. Carolyn Ray from the TOC Summer Seminar.

The Outdoor Objectivist

Outdoor activities and a barbecue highlighted our July meeting as we spent the afternoon at Joy and Jeff's cabin at Innsbrook.  After canoeing and feasting, Frank Bryan talked about the recent TOC Summer Seminar. He gave a short summation of each lecture that he attended, as well as his impression of it. Frank, as expected, enjoyed many of the lectures, including "How to Win Arguments" by Carolyn Ray, which addressed communicating with both Objectivists and non-Objectivists, and "Property Rights" by Ed Hudgins, which looked at government intrusion in many areas of our lives. Some of the other excellent courses offered were "Objectivism is Child's Play!" by Lorie Bugby and John Bechtel's "Seduction, Power and Happiness: Combating Cultism."

Frank also talked about the many participant-sponsored sessions, David Kelley's State of the Culture address, and a panel discussion on the future of Objectivism. One of the most exciting announcements at the seminar was about the soon-to-be-released CD-ROM titled "The World of Atlas Shrugged," a behind-the-scenes look at the book, allowing people to better understand and appreciate it. We will provide you with more information when it becomes available.

Thanks to Joy and Jeff for their wonderful hospitality at this fun-filled meeting.

Reason v. Kansas Board of Education

Voters in Kansas responded to the anti-evolutionary science standards set last year by the Kansas Board of Education, voting to defeat candidates who support the standards.  In primary elections on August 1, three of the four candidates, including the board chairperson, were defeated. It is anticipated that the standards will be reversed this year.

The Influential Gore

Vice President Al Gore has done more for this country than any other vice president in history, according to President Bill Clinton. The Associated Press reported on July 14 that Clinton, speaking at the NAACP annual convention, said, "We've never had a vice president that did so much good as vice president as Al Gore - never, not ever in the history of the country."

And he didn't even mention Gore's biggest contribution - his invention of the Internet.

Rand Appears in the Post-Dispatch

"When Atlas Shrugs" appeared in bold at the top of the Commentary page in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on July 12. M.W. Guzy, a retired policeman and frequent contributor to the Post, wrote a column on recent issues with police that began: "What would happen if the people who shoulder the weight of the world grew weary of the burden? What if the people who make society work simply gave up and abandoned ship? Novelist Ayn Rand explored that prospect in Atlas Shrugged. Though Rand's book was fiction and had nothing to do with police work, two recent incidents involving cops hint at the real world consequences of her speculations."

Guzy then examined the recent mass assault on women in Central Park and the riots following the final game of the NBA championship in Los Angeles. He discussed the inactivity by the police in each situation, which was a result of cops finding themselves stuck in the middle between "so-called community activists" and police administrators who court public opinion.

Guzy says that the importance of allowing administrators to conduct independent investigations, rather than placating activists by charging cops immediately after an incident, is vital because "when Atlas shrugs the rest of us shudder."

Thought of the Day

(Reprinted from the last issue of The Gateway Objectivist)
"I am not part of the problem. I am a Democrat." -Al Gore